QUIZ- 39 [practice questions]

A common organism that causes meningitis belongs to the genus
Bradykinin is
A drug which has potent peripheral vasodilatory properties inhibits the voltage dependent calcium channel in vascular smooth muscle is
The color which the human eye perceives is not the color corresponding to the wavelength of the light
During compression of moisture critical granules a hygroscopic substance used to maintain a proper moisture level is
Which of the following is used as a local anesthetic in the formulation of parenteral products
In the formulation of suspensions for soft gelatin encapsulation base adsorption of the solid to be Suspended is expressed as:
The drug that binds to AT1, receptor with high affinity is
A person taking nitroglycerine consumes alcohol The drug interacts with alcohol and the effect seen is:
The biogenetic origin of methyl substitution at N1, N3 and N7 in caffeine molecule is:
QUIZ- 39 [practice questions]
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