“Pharmacy Practice: Application of pharmaceutical knowledge in real-world settings, including:

– Patient assessment and counseling
– Medication management and dispensing
– Clinical services and pharmacy operations
– Professional communication and ethics”

Course Content

Unit Title



  • a) Hospital and it’s organization
    Definition, Classification of hospital- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary hospitals, Classification based on clinical and non- clinical basis, Organization Structure of a Hospital, and Medical staffs involved in the hospital and their functions.
  • b) Hospital pharmacy and its organization
    Definition, functions of hospital pharmacy, Organization structure, Location, Layout and staff requirements, and Responsibilities and functions of hospital pharmacists.
  • c) Adverse drug reaction
    Classifications- Excessive pharmacological effects, secondary pharmacological effects, idiosyncrasy, allergic drug reactions, genetically determined toxicity, toxicity following sudden withdrawal of drugs, Drug interaction- beneficial interactions, adverse interactions, and pharmacokinetic drug interactions, Methods for detecting drug interactions, spontaneous case reports and record linkage studies, and Adverse drug reaction reporting and management.
  • d) Community Pharmacy
    Organization and structure of retail and wholesale drug store, types and design, Legal
    requirements for establishment and maintenance of a drug store, Dispensing of
    proprietary products, maintenance of records of retail and wholesale drug store.


  •  a) Drug distribution system in a hospital
    Dispensing of drugs to inpatients, types of drug distribution systems, charging policy and labelling, Dispensing of drugs to ambulatory patients, and Dispensing of controlled drugs.
  • b) Hospital formulary
    Definition, contents of hospital formulary, Differentiation of hospital formulary and Drug list, preparation and revision, and addition and deletion of drug from hospital formulary.
  • c) Therapeutic drug monitoring
    Need for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Factors to be considered during the Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, and Indian scenario for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.
  • d) Medication adherence
    Causes of medication non-adherence, pharmacist role in the medication adherence,
    and monitoring of patient medication adherence.
  • e) Patient medication history interview
    Need for the patient medication history interview, medication interview forms.
  • f) Community pharmacy management
    Financial, materials, staff, and infrastructure requirements


  •  a) Pharmacy and therapeutic committee
    Organization, functions, Policies of the pharmacy and therapeutic committee in including drugs into formulary, inpatient and outpatient prescription, automatic stop order, and emergency drug list preparation.

  • b) Drug information service 
    Drug and Poison information centre, Sources of drug information, Computerised services, and storage and retrieval of information.

  • c) Patient counseling
    Definition of patient counseling; steps involved in patient counseling, and Special cases that require the pharmacist
  • d) Education and training program in the hospital Role of pharmacist in the education and training program, Internal and external
    training program, Services to the nursing homes/clinics, Code of ethics for community pharmacy, and Role of pharmacist in the interdepartmental communication and community health education.
  • e) Prescribed medication order and communication skills
    Prescribed medication order- interpretation and legal requirements, and Communication skills- communication with prescribers and patients.


  • a) Budget preparation and implementation
  • b) Clinical Pharmacy
    Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy, Concept of clinical pharmacy, functions and responsibilities of clinical pharmacist, Drug therapy monitoring- medication chart review, clinical review, pharmacist intervention, Ward round participation, Medication
    history and Pharmaceutical care. Dosing pattern and drug therapy based on Pharmacokinetic & disease pattern
  • c) Over the counter (OTC) sales
    Introduction and sale of over the counter, and Rational use of common over the counter medications


  • a) Drug store management and inventory control
    Organisation of drug store, types of materials stocked and storage conditions, Purchase and inventory control: principles, purchase procedure, purchase order, procurement and stocking, Economic order quantity, Reorder quantity level, and Methods used for the analysis of the drug expenditure
  • b) Investigational use of drugs Description, principles involved, classification, control, identification, role of hospital pharmacist, advisory committee.
  • c) Interpretation of Clinical Laboratory Tests- Blood chemistry, hematology, and urinalysis

Learning Objectives

Book 1

Book 2

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