1. Fluid Balance: They help regulate the amount of water in and around cells, maintaining proper hydration levels.
  2. Nerve Function: Electrolytes, particularly sodium, potassium, and calcium, are crucial for transmitting electrical signals in nerve cells.
  3. Muscle Function: They facilitate muscle contractions. Calcium, for instance, is vital for muscle contraction, while potassium and sodium help with muscle relaxation.
  4. Acid-Base Balance: Electrolytes help maintain the body’s pH balance, which is crucial for normal cellular functions.
  5. Heart Function: Proper levels of electrolytes are essential for maintaining a regular heartbeat. Imbalances can lead to arrhythmias.
  6. Nutrient Transport: Electrolytes assist in the transport of nutrients and waste products into and out of cells.

Common electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, and phosphate. Maintaining a balanced intake through diet and hydration is important for overall health.