QUIZ- 27 [practice questions]

An anti-diabetic drug Pioglitazone used in type 2 diabetes acts by
An angiotensin-II receptor blocker useful in treating hypertension is
Co-administration of NSAIDs with warfarin may often lead to
Laminaria & kelp are the principal genera, currently used for industrial production of
A transverse section of Glycyrrhiza glabra when treated with 80 % sulphuric acid gave
Microscopy of bulbs of Urginea indica family Liliaceae shows
Streptomycin is a
The anti histaminic with diphenyl methyl group is
Heterocyclic rings present in pilocarpine are
The most important microbial virulence factor in etiology of meningitis is
QUIZ- 27 [practice questions]
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