QUIZ- 36 [practice questions]

A person Taking organic nitrate has to avoid one of the following drugs as it can cause severe hypotension
To avoid lithium toxicity ,a patient using lithium carbonate for mood disorders should not be prescribed
A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor used as an antidepressant is
A patient receiving Digoxin for CCF is found to have elevated serum cholesterol. Which hypolipidemic agent should not be prescribed
In the study of enzyme kinetic, V max is said to be attained when
Serum sample of a patient shows elevated levels of g-glutamyl transferase .The patient could be suffering from
Acid-fast organisms are seen in the sputum of a 48-year ol alcoholic man. A test to confirm whether he needs long-term multi-drug treatment for tuberculosis is
The distinguishing feature in IR spectra between propionaldehyde and acetone is
Nephelometrical measurement are most sensitive for
The number of peaks shown by diethyl ether in an NMR spectrum are
QUIZ- 36 [practice questions]
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