QUIZ- 38 [practice questions]

Certain suspensions with a high percentage of dispersed solids exhibit a resistance to flow with Increasing rates of shear. Such systems actually increase in volume when sheared and are termed as:
In the process of sugar coating of tablets the colorants are added in one of the following steps:
Metered dose inhalers documentation records shall show one of the information in addition to the GMP:
A drug which inhibits mycobacterial RNA polymerase and is very useful in treating Mycobacterium avium complex is:
A 80 years old lady suffering from osteoarthritis of hip and knee joints is given diclofenac 50 mg thrice daily and paracetamol 1 gm as require. She complains of passing black stools. This symptom is due to
Terazosin, an antihypertensive drug acts by:
An imidazole aromatase inhibitor which is effective in reducing estrogen level is
The main constituent in the dried ripe seeds of Colchicuin luteum and Colchicum automnale Linn. is derived from
Formation of somatic embryos or embryogenic tissue directly from the explant without the formation of an intermediate callus phase is
While performing chemo-microscopy of a drug lignified trichomes were observe. Probable drug is
QUIZ- 38 [practice questions]
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